This is a high-class chicken coop! It’s a sleek new design for those in urban areas who want to keep chickens and don’t have a ton of space. I love the idea, and Jim and I have been wanting to get chickens for a while but I know it would be a no-go with our homeowners assoc. Still, the Eglu is a fun option if you can do it. I found it at the website I also saw a news piece on the website about the backyard chicken trend. We are hoping to move to the country at some point, and I know that Jim’s wish list includes a nice riding lawn mover along with a chicken coop (and cowboy boots)!:)
Something we are still working on is planting a garden. We went back and forth about it but I think if we start small and go slow, it should be fine. I found a helpful website with some guidelines for planting a vegetable gar den. Click here for the tips.
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