Well, week one of our “Reading and Road Trips” is under our belt! We had a great time reading books about farm life and then going on our field trip on Friday. We took a beautiful drive down to Dalton, OH and visited a friend who raises Hereford cows. After that we visited one of the largest dairy farms in Wayne county and got a tour of the grounds and some hands-on action! I got some poop on my back but what would a farm day be without a little cow dung to show for it?! Lol. To wrap it up we finished with some ice cream (that ties-in to our dairy farm tour of course)!:) It was really a great day, I feel blessed to have had the experience. This week’s theme is: music! I’ll let you know how it goes (I am starting by encouraging them to listen to 95.5 The Fish…I hear they play great music)!;)
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