The Akron Marathon is just over 12 weeks away. I will be running in the half marathon, along with my new friends from Team in Training! Team in Training is part of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and they help people achieve their athletic dreams while helping fight cancer. You just sign up, raise money for LLS and in return you get access to a coach, training, and great support! It’s made for all levels from couch potatoes, to walkers and avid runners. I wish I would have done this years ago! There is more to running that lacing up your shoes and hitting the pavement and so often I have questions and it’s great to have personal access to a trainer. Team in Training gets you prepared for anything from a triathlon to a cycling event, full or a half marathon. The other cool thing is the “Honored Hero” you get to know (and run for). Its a person who is fighting Leukemia or Lymphoma who is directly affected by the programs and it’s and extra reminder who you are helping (and why you are working so hard)!:)
I am grateful to be a part of the program, especially as a family. We intend to make the training a team effort like last time and the boys know that mom is doing this to help others, and that even “old moms” can achieve a dream like a full or half marathon. The boys and I love reading inspirational stories from the library, and so often I tell them that the people we read about are proof that you can truly do anything. I need to internalize that for myself though too, it IS possible! I like the quote that says: “The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.” I think sometimes that is the hardest part. Once you begin, and the ball is rolling then the motivation comes. So if you have ever thought about doing something like this, this is a fantastic opportunity! You can find out more at the Team in Training website.
Also, have you seen the Evian Roller Babies?! So cute!
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