“I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth”
-Psalm 121
I received a direct petition of prayer today from Karen.
“Brooke I hope you don’t mind if I leave you a prayer request. We have a 35 year old man named Dan at our parish, wonderful guy with two young boys and a beautiful wife. His older boy just made his First Communion.
On Aug 9 Dan contracted a mysterious infection in his spine that has caused paralysis and numbness from the center of his chest down. He only has limited use of his right arm and hand and the whole left side of his body is totally paralyzed and without any feeling. He also has the infection in his brain. The doctors cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with him or how to treat him. Please pray that they will find a way to heal him. This has been like being struck by lightening for him and his family. One day he was fine, vibrant and working hard for God and his family, and the next he was fighting for his life and now he is paralyzed. We are hoping really for a miracle. Thank you so much. Please pray for Dan. “
Please add Dan and his family to your intentions. Thank you Karen for sharing his story and allowing us to unite in prayer for strength, healing, and fortitude for the days ahead. Please keep us posted.
I Will Lift My Eyes, by Bebo Norman.
Hello Brooke! Thank you so much for posting my prayer request! They have been trying various treatments to try to bring down the mysterious inflammation in Dan's body with some incremental success. He has been transferred to the top spinal rehab unit in the area with a lot of hope and determination to get better. He is still paralyzed without any feeling from his chest down. As mysteriously as this disease arrived, it could vanish. But there is also the very real possibility that he may never walk again. Thank you so much for praying for him and keep it up. I know this is what is making him such a strong fighter and keeping his wife and two young sons going. Many blessings to you for your kindness and caring! Karen
Hi Karen,
Good to hear from you! I know I have been praying (as well as so many others), and have been wondering if there was any news. Thankfully we have some of the most skilled physicians in the country here, I will pray they have the wisdom and ability to help. Thanks again for the update Karen. We will continue to pray!