I did it! It wasn’t pretty but I completed the Akron half marathon in 2:10. I started off strong (hills, what hills?!) 🙂 but then at about mile 8 I just hit a wall and couldn’t recover. I started getting stomach cramps and they were severe, I didn’t know what to do! I’ve never encountered physcial problems running before but you hear horror stories about leg cramps, pulled muscles and all sorts of mishaps. Even on my training runs I have never had more than a nagging blister to bother me, so when I started having the stomach pain I didn’t really know what to do. I just kept running through it and it would come and go. So that slowed me down and mentally I was a gon-er, I just wanted to be home sipping coffee, eating breakfast with the boys and reading the paper. Ha ha, that is not the “no pain no gain” mindset I needed! Lol. Near the end my Team in Training coach (Diane) ran alongside me and pushed me to finish strong. That is just what I needed! She was an angel. I was so proud to be a part of the LLS group! Even though I’m disappointed in my performance, I am happy that I finished and that my family was there to see me do something hard but totally worth it. Here are some photos from the day (P.S. It didn’t rain!):)
That’s me in the purple shirt w/ the hot pink tape and white hat!:)
Crossing the finish line. Yeah!
In tears after seeing my family, I was just so happy it was done.
Hey Brooke,
Focus on the positive, YOU DID IT! Think about how many people will never attempt it or would let the cramping stop them, etc. Hold your head high and thank your heavenly Father for the strength to see it through. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that I am so proud of you.
In His love,
Congratulations Brooke, you should be so proud of yourself!!!!! That is a major accomplishment.
Thank you so much D-D and Karen! I truly appreciate your encouragement, God bless you!:)