Organizing can be so much fun! Women today have it so good when it comes to making our lives easier and more fun around the house!:) From amazing washer and dyers to the Dyson vacuum…and even label makers, it has never been more enjoyable to keep a tidy home!:) I bought the Dymo Letra Tag Label Maker at Target last week along with an assortment of storage bins and went to town. Our linen closet in the master bathroom was a bit of a catch-all for my extra makeup, hair items, etc. I just bought some cute matching cloth bins, sorted, threw out, and rearranged and it was like a new closet! The topper of course was labeling all of the bins (and just about everything in the house). Lol. The best part is, the handy-dandy Dymo was only about $20. Well worth the investment!
The other exciting “find” that I stumbled across is the Duggar’s website. They are the family that have almost 19 kids (baby 19 is on the way). They have some fantastic recipes. No surprise I guess, they had to master the skill of serving in bulk on a budget. What really peaked my interest though were the house rules. Great guidelines! Things like “Don’t mock or put others down. Develop compassion and pray for others”. The sad thing is, they probably do a better job living those rules with 18 kids than we do with our 3.:( As I was reading the rules I kind of laughed because I know most would be broken within the first hour! Ha ha. Still, it’s a great model to follow so we’ll give it a go. Click here for “Duggar House Guidelines”. I am going to post them on the wall AND label them so we don’t forget! LOL.
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