If you are looking for unique, fun gifts for the smarty pants in your life, you must check out ThinkGeek! We got the Christmas gift catalog in the mail this week and we all had fun pointing and laughing at the innovative items. We ordered this for a certain someone in our family (who shall remain nameless and whom I’ve banned from looking at my blog until Christmas)!:) Anyway, this person is a database administrator and a total computer techie. We ordered this Wi-Fi detector shirt for him:
It displays the current wi-fi signal strength with glowing bars on the front of the shirt that change as the surrounding wi-fi signal strength fluctuates.
Haha. The person has a great sense of humor and we usually exchange pretty offbeat gifts anyway so we had to go for it.
For a stocking stuffer, Gabriel has his sights set on an authentic “KGB Disappearing Ink Pen“. Made from Russia and high quality for only $14.99. What boy would not love that?! Lol.
Anyway, if you check out the website, be sure to click on the “customer action shots” with the various items being used by the buyers. Some things are off color (just to warn you) but most of it is fun and fantastically geeky…in a good way of course.
On the other hand, if you want to go a more crafty route, check “50 Homemade Gift Ideas”. Great list.
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