It took a year but our Holy Family has a home!:) A few weeks ago Jim built this stable for Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus and I would be remiss if I did not thank my handy hubby!:) This was on my wish list for a long time and he really brought it to life. At first I thought we would just buy an outdoor stable but it turns out they are very hard to find (at least for a decent price). It’s too bad. I wonder if they were more readily available if more people would display yard nativities? I told Jim he should start selling them!:) Lol. Anyway, last year the poor Holy Family had to weather the elements so it’s exciting to see the final piece finally in place. Jim even put hinges on it so he can take it apart and fold it up. Wow, go Jim the Tool Man Taylor! Haha.
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Absolutely Beautiful!
How do you keep your energy up Brooke!?! I'm a tired working Mom and I don't get up wee hours!!!