We have snow! It was a nice way to kick off vacation, the boys scattering all of their snow items throughout the house in a rush to get outside. Lol! We don’t have a mudroom and our space is so cramped that I am always trying to find ways to maximize what we have. I think it’s high time we invest in one of these:
It’s a boot tray and Jim said they have some nice ones at Home Depot. I think we need to get a few! They are only about $9.00 which is nice. Hopefully that will help eliminate the puddles from the melting snow when the boys leave their boots on the rug.
We have had a productive, fun start to vacation though. I tried to have a plan in place and so far it’s been smooth. We had Lisa Henedy on the morning show a few weeks ago and she had some “Advent activity” tips. One of them was to clear out old toys and donate them to Goodwill as a way to not only make way for the new toys, but to offer gifts to other children too. We ended up with about 4 giant hefty bags full of toys! It kept everyone busy, we worked together, and we ended up clearing out a few toy-cluttered areas at the same time. Whew!
Well I am off to unplug. I promised the boys I would only be online once a day because I usually do so much show prep and work from home. I am on a computer diet and I’m happy to feel out of the loop for a little while! Wednesday morning I am also having surgery so if you would include me in your prayers I would be humbly grateful. It’s minor, and I should be back to blog before Christmas. Enjoy the blessings of this week!:)
prayers are with you!! have a wonderful holiday!