A few weeks ago I posted a photo of the stack of books on my night stand. I have a pile of them that I am trying to read (all at the same time) and my brain has been in overload stage. Instead of reading one at a time I get excited and start a few and don’t finish any.:( Probably not the smartest idea. Anyway, the one that has taken hold and gripped my thoughts above all of them, is a book by Christian singer Michael Card.
When this book and press release arrived on my desk I was taken aback by the title. I thought it was polarizing but definitley an attention grabber. After our interview with Michael Card I decided to read it. Now I can’t put it down! I read, and re-read the pages because the text is so rich, and the history behind the scriptural references is so deep. I have learned so much! For instance: when John the Baptist says to Jesus “I am not fit to loosen the thongs of your sandals”; that is slave talk. Back in that time, rabbinic students were taught to do everything for their teachers as a way to serve. Everything EXCEPT loosen their sandals because it was seen as too humiliating. So John, is essence, is saying that he is not even worthy to be Jesus’ slave.
Anyway, that is just one snippet and the book is loaded with more references that will forever change the way I view certain passages and my own role as a slave to Christ. There is so much more to it and the line that sticks with me is “in this life, it’s not a question of slave or free, but rather, whose slave will you be”? If you are looking for something to deepen your spirituality, I recommend this book!
I also ran across a neat resource when it comes to kids learning new things too. If you want to introduce a young boy or girl to Shakespeare you can do it via “Classic Comics”. Not only are they real, unabridged classics in graphic novel format, but they also come in original text (for example, Shakespearean English), plain text (modern English) and quick text (~elementary reading level modern English). I think I might need the quick text” myself. Ha ha!
We are expecting a ton of snow so I have the slow cooker fired up with Cowboy Chow. It’s from my friend Dawn Hall’s book “Busy People’s Slow Cooker Cookbook”. Just a few ingredients and it’s self sufficient and good on a cold day! Plus it has lots of beans…yay for high fiber!:) Lol. Click here for the recipe.
Hi Brooke! I was just getting caught up on your posts and noticed that you had a laproscopy for endo. After trying to conceive for two years, I too had a laproscopy for potential endo and they did end up finding mild stage II. A few months later I finally became pregnant with my daughter who was born on December 21st. That surgery changed my life and I am sure it will be the answer to your prayers for a fourth baby. I hope you had a blessed holiday and a happy hew year!!
Thank you so much for your comment Karen! I am suprised how many people have told me something similar, it really seems to be an effective procedure. Happy (belated) birthday to your daughter! Thank you for your prayers Karen, that means a lot. God bless you.