Okay, I usually try to write totally original posts and personal stories of our day-to-day happenings, but this one I had to borrow and I can’t take credit for. Props to Danielle Bean at Faith and Family Live for uncovering this beautiful retrospective of motherhood. It’s author Katrina Kenison from her new book “The Gift of an Ordinary Day”. Whether you are preparing to start a family, or you are on the other side of raising full-grown adults…this one hits at the heart! I will be embracing and appreciating the gift of our ordinary day today.
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I loved this one! I have my seven year-old son's clock radio alarm set to 95.5 so he is awakened every morning by the "family friendly morning show". This morning, he was already up and getting dressed and I went in his room to make the bed, and this was playing. I had to sit down and listen, and soon I was in tears! So correct and so true, and yes, Brooke did make me cry 🙂
thanks for sharing this!
I usually don't say this but, I am glad I made you cry!:) Ha ha. Yesterday when I first heard it, it totally affected the way I looked at my day. I am glad it blessed you too.:)
U made me cry after hearing it on the radio while dropping my kids off for school. It made me appreciate them more. I need to learn not to sweat the small stuff! PATIENCE!!! Thanks:)
I just loved listening to it on the radio, through my tears as I'm driving to work. My son is now an adult, he had just left for a long trip for a college internship that will last about 12 days. I was visualizing in my mind all those "ordinary days" as he was growing up. He'll be married this fall, but in my eyes he's still my little boy who would bring me the dandelions and tell me, "here mom, these flowers are for you."
I was on my to work, i started cryin my only son is a senior in high school im really holding on to him tightly until he goes to college time just went and gone, i have to let go of him, i raised a good kid!!!
This hits home right in the heart of our life. I have three grown children 22,17 and 16. Time goes so fast and quick. Always treasure each moment and say I love you often. Thank you