I can’t believe Easter is almost here! I’m feeling behind right now, we haven’t colored the eggs yet and the Easter Bunny is not ready for the delivery of treats…if you know what I mean (translation= I haven’t been to Target yet)! That being said, I know those are just the trimmings on the outside and if we don’t get to it, it’s not a big deal. The primary issue is preparing hearts and trying to convey the meaning of Holy week to the boys. In some respects I get frustrated because it’s a monumental event every year, and I always try to tell stories, show videos, say extra prayers and read specific Bible verses that tie in to the days leading up to Easter. The frustration comes in during days like today when no one in the family can identify that this weekend is Palm Sunday. Especially since we just talked about it yesterday! Still, I know how many times I have hear the same things as an adult, and I know how easily I forget, so I just have to press on and trust the Holy Spirit and believe it will sink in by the time they are adults. 🙂
Something that has been on my heart lately, is trying to help the boys understand the times in which Jesus lived. In this age of the Wii and 3-D TV, I think it’s hard for an 8 year old to visualize the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem over two thousand years ago…on a donkey, wearing a cloak and sandals with people waving palm branches. So that has been my prayer, to try and travel back in time and talk about what it must have been like to witness that event, what it meant then, and what it means today. Anyway, I am looking forward to mass on Sunday when we begin the service with anticipation, and then leave in silence with the stage set for the days ahead…the Agony in the Garden, the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection.
If you are looking for quick, creative ways to try and enrich Holy Week, click here for some good suggestions. The bottom portion of the page has info for every day leading up to Easter.
Happy Palm Sunday!
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