I am soooo excited to unveil a big surprise! As you may know already, I am a HUGE NeedtoBreathe fan, so when they dropped by the studio in March, that alone was memorable and exciting. I didn’t think it could get better than that….until now!:) Len and I are actually in their video for “Something Beautiful”! I can’t wait to show my kids! Lol. Here’s the deal: when they were at our studios they videotaped us lip syncing the song and said it “might” end up in their vid. I thought for sure it would end up on the cutting room floor! Lol. Wonder of all wonders though, we MADE IT!:) It’s totally one of those “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” moments, but I do show up 3 or 4 times towards the very end. The video is made up mostly of fans singing throughout the song, so it’s neat to see the different faces and home video clips. In my younger days, this would’ve been a lifetime highlight. Well, actually, in my “somewhat older” days….it’s still pretty darn cool!:) I can’t embed the video, but start watching at about 2:49 (right after the tattoo girls) then again at 3:07 and a few other places after that. Len appears during the last few seconds of the song, look for him behind my shoulder with his headphones on. Be sure to enlarge the screen, you might need to blow it up to see it! Lol.
CLICK HERE for “Something Beautiful”!
Very cool! Great song too.
Awesome!! Love the song!!