We had a fun little field trip today. Just around the corner, in our own little town, lives the oldest Magnolia Cucumber tree in the world! They usually live about 120 years, however this one is approx. 430 years old over 8 stories tall. We are currently reading about St. Francis of Assisi for our “Reading and Road Trips” and he of course, is known for his love for all God’s creation. So, this was a fitting trip to cap off the week. Mr. Covey (a wonderful elderly man) gave us the full history of the tree, and why it’s so special. When this tree was just a little sapling, William Shakespeare was penning “Hamlet” and Ivan the Terrible was in power, and the Spanish Conquistadores were exploring new lands.
The interesting thing is, if I saw that tree in passing, I probably wouldn’t even notice or think twice, and I would miss the amazing history in my hurry. That is what always strikes me, God’s creation is so awe-inspiring, and the more we look…the more we see! Also, Mr. Covey shared a fantastic story about WWI hero Joyce Kilmer who wrote a famous poem called “Trees”. It’s worth reading about, especially for history buffs. I love this stuff!:)
Also, one more side note. If you are looking for a good movie, you have to check out “Hachiko”. It is SO good! Based on a true story (loosely) and family friendly for sure. Click here for the trailer.
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