First off, I have extend a heartfelt, humble thank you to my friend Jayme Orn. She offered her services to do photo sessions with the proceeds going to our adoption fund. Her willingness to do something so selfless and creative was another indication of what an amazing person she is! Well, the big event was Saturday, July 10. To everyone who booked a session with her….thank you. Those words are not adequate (and I have been saying them A LOT lately) so I hope you feel my heart behind them, and the gratitude of our entire family. The child we are adopting from Poland will be born into our hearts and home because of YOU, your prayers, your support she has already before even meeting! You are a part of her life already! If you would like to see some of the sessions from Jayme, click here for her blog (I think she will be adding more in a few days).
So, on to my update. It feels strange to write about the photo sessions and our vacation in the same post. I feel like I should explain because there may be misconceptions if I don’t. This entire trip speaks to God’s providence because it was arranged and mostly paid for before we even started the adoption process. Now of course, we won’t be taking any vacations for a LONG time! Lol. It has really been such a precious gift though, and this time has been so memorable for our family. We ventured to Tybee Island, and Savannah, Georgia. Jim and I took our 24-hour honeymoon in Savannah, GA and it was so neat to go back to the same places, 10 years later and with our 3 wonderful “additions”. 🙂 Tybee is about 20 minutes from Savannah so it’s a quick drive from the island. We had not been to the beach before (except for one day at Cedar Point) so our entire trip was beach-central!:) The boys loved the ocean and exploring, jumping, digging, and boogie boarding. However, when we went in to Savannah, Gabriel really fell in love! I have never seem his eyes light up before at a place/city like that. He was spellbound and repeatedly asked to go back again. We ended up going back 3 more times! Needless to say, if you are looking for a place rich with history, family-friendly, and absolutely breathtaking…Savannah and Tybee are totally worth the drive. I have so much to write, but I don’t think I can fit it all in one post so I think I will just write a few nuggets at a time. Here are a few photos from the trip.
First day at the beach. Sunscreen is on and boogie board is in-hand. Ready for fun!
Isn’t God’s world amazing? There is nothing like watching a sunset over water. A silent, beautiful witness that speaks of His power and majesty!
Walking on River St. in Savannah. Jim and I had our photo taken here on our honeymoon (I was wearing overalls! haha). I want to do a side-by-side frame of the “10 years later” version.
Visiting Fort Pulaski on Tybee Island. We learned that General Pulaski was a Polish/American hero! Among other things, he saved George Washington’s life. I want to buy this book.
One of the many charming features of Savannah. Love the carriage tours!
P.S. Come on LeBron?!? Ugh. Disappointing.
I love the beach too! And the pictures you took are gorgous. Sometimes it takes getting out of the city (and to the beach!) for me to realize the beauty of this world. Alot my pictures just doesn't do it justice. And when I get back from the vacation, my eyes are widened at the the grace and just… awsomeness:) of our God. It's breath taking.