I am not a morning person. In school, my mom dreaded waking me up and it was a constant battle (sorry mom). God has a sense of humor though, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that for roughly the past 12 years I have had to work an early morning shift! My feet have hit the floor at 3:00am through morning sickness, a newborn giving me little to no sleep, head colds and days where I just want to throw the alarm out the window and cuddle in warm covers for a FULL 8 hours. Oddly enough though, I have come to appreciate the blessing of 3am. There is something really nice about being up when it feels like the rest of the world is still sleeping (or at least North America).:) Our street is quiet and peaceful, I can pray and appreciate the moon cycles, and the roads are empty.
This week I discovered a new way to get up, and it has made the dawn even more delightful. I always have our radio station (95.5 The Fish) programmed to go off with my alarm. This Tuesday it happened to be Mercy Me “Word of God, Speak”. There I was, my brain still in twilight mode, listening to the lyrics:
“Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You’re in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness”. What a gift. To feel my heart softly beating and sensing the Lord’s grace and love as I greeted the new day. I have now programmed my iPod so that I hear that song every morning . I can’t think of a better way to wake up! Click here for the song.
Speaking of music, today we were happy to welcome the guys from Echoing Angels to the morning show. They performed in studio and that is always a highlight. You can see the video here.
Speaking of prayer, I ran across some creative ways to enrich your prayer life. Click here. Great ideas!
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