What a week! First off, a big pat on the back goes to Gabriel and Grant. They finished homeschooling for the year! I am so proud of them. I even surprised myself by doing better than I gave myself credit for going in. We also have a super babysitter too, and she was the one who really wrapped up the lessons and worked with the boys to make our timeline. Whew! Overall it was a blessed adventure and I am grateful we took a chance and went for it.
In other news, there has been a lot going on here as we make preparations for Karolina. The nursery looks like a sweet blast from the past, circa 2006 when Garrett was born. 🙂 This was what the boys looked like the last time we prepared the nursery. Oh how the years go by. The crib is assembled, the decorations and bedding are back to the way they were, and the drawers are ready for diapers and onesies. I have not added much by way of pink accents, but there is a pink picture frame and photo album on display, and the colors blend nicely. It will be fun to sprinkle in more pink as we go along!:) Here is how it looks so far:
The baby blanket on the ottoman was mine as a baby, so that is a special touch (with pink)!:)
We are also organizing the items we will need to bring with us to Poland. When we go back, we should be able to pick Karolina up and she will stay with us until our court date. We have the stroller ready, diaper bag, bowls, a medical kit, clothing, blankets, bottles and all of the basic baby items. It has been helpful to research other packing lists from international adoptions too. Things like an inflatable baby tub I never would’ve thought of. It’s easy to pack too.
It’s hard to believe that in a few months we will have a little girl occupying the bedroom and crawling around the house. My heart soars just thinking about it. I think we are all feeling the sense of joyful anticipation as we savor the last weeks as a family of 5, but also happily look forward to welcoming our much-prayed-for addition. We can’t wait! 🙂
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