Here are the Union soldiers preparing to march into battle
There they go…
Karolina was decked out in her period bonnet!:)
The fight is on. Casualties mounting on both sides…
Confederates win this time. Taps is played.
Browsing the encampment and checking out the authentic items used on the field.
I would’ve struck a silly pose here, but I was afraid to move my head when I saw the price tag of this hat was $150!!
In other news, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my mom and her friend Cheryl. The boys had a scout camping weekend and the ladies came over to help me organize the nursery for Karolina and the baby. It was a BIG job (I was reminded how fast babies grow and change sizes and the need to be well-stocked with everything). We started working at 9:30am, and I didn’t go to bed until nearly 1am. I didn’t work all that time, since Karolina and Garrett were also home, but I would say I put nearly 12-13 hours into organizing, sorting, and cleaning the nursery and Grant and Garrett’s room. I was wiped out, but it was a great feeling to accomplish such a big task. It seems the “nesting” stage has begun! I’m hoping to post a few photos of the nursery later this week. So, THANK YOU MOM for helping make an otherwise insurmountable task achievable, and even pleasant. Here comes another week, enjoy the weather and beautiful fall temps!
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