Do not adjust your screen. Objects on your monitor are as large as they appear!:)
We are getting SO CLOSE, and as you can see, our little boy is growing bigger by the day! This is the only shirt I have left that covers my belly, and I refuse to buy more maternity clothes at this point, so we’re sticking with the old’ black cami from here on out! 🙂 It truly amazes me how a woman’s body might carry twins, triplets, and sometimes more. I feel so big with my little solo companion in there, I can only imagine how it must feel to carry multiples…moms are amazing! 🙂
My appointment went well with the doc., but no telling when baby will arrive. My body has begun the process of dilation and effacement, but with this being #4 it’s hard to tell if that’s real progress, or if my body has been that way for a few weeks. Oddly enough, a week ago I was having all sorts of Braxton Hicks contractions, but this week…nada. It seems like he wants to just stay put. My friends Jennifer and Beth both recommended drinking raspberry tea as a way to prepare for labor (evidently it has properties that aid in elasticity)? I’ve been walking a ton, but ultimately, just want to try and wait on God and the baby’s timing. The challenge is, that my doc. said if I’m still here next week, he wants to schedule an induction. I really would like to avoid that if possible. Pitocin=intense pain! In going natural, I’m hoping to avoid pit. A lot can happen in 7 days though, so we’ll see! Meanwhile, my last day of work before maternity leave is officially planned for Friday!
Last night I was blessed to join my handsome son Grant for a date night. A few years ago we were blown away by an interview and performance of piano prodigy Yuja Wang. It was because of her that Grant wanted to start piano lessons, and he’s now been doing it for 2 years! Yuja was at EJ Thomas Hall in Akron last night, so we went on a special “mommy and Grant” evening outing and had a ball. He looked so dapper all dressed up, I found myself getting a little teary-eyed during our time together, it warmed my heart so much to have that one-on-one time with my big boy.
Here is an example of Yuja’s brilliant playing in “Flight of the Bumblebee”
He will be here before you know it. I am so excited for you. I'm glad that you and Grant had such a special Mommy/Son date night. Those are memories you will both cherish for a lifetime.
I wanted to say good luck with your delivery. You look amazing! I am sure you will do great, especially if you get to avoid the Pitocin.
Thank you so much for sharing the Warm Milk diaper bag. As I type this I sit here nursing my baby 🙂 This product looks so convenient, now I want it too! I have all of my 'gear' from my first baby who is almost 2 and since it is still like new I didn't look into really buying anything new. We are all done having babies now, but I think I need to splurge on this even if it will only be for the next year or so…
I had twins last month and my belly measured 50 weeks pregnant when I went into labor two days shy of 37 weeks.