I love to watch babies sleep. There are few things in life more perfect, peaceful and serene than watching a little one doze….
I wish I could fall asleep as easily, and deep as this little angel!:) Karolina is so amazing in every aspect, and this is just one of them. I, on the other hand, have really been struggling to get a decent night’s sleep for weeks. I know it’s the home stretch, and a way to prepare for the newborn phase, but I have found it extra challenging when my job requires me to be at my mental peak at 6am. 🙂
Karolina continues to make progress. This week she has an appointment with a Neurodevelopment specialist, and more assessments yet to come. She is still somewhat delayed, but I’m really not worried, especially after seeing how far she’s come so quickly already. Last week I brought her into work because my dad had a procedure to open his esophagus and my mom aka “super babysitter grandma” was with him. At any rate, I snapped a few pics in studio, and you can see how close she is to walking! I love this look, like “okay…here I go, making sure the coast is clear!”
Here is another one, just for fun, in her Sunday best after our little heat wave a few weeks back:
On the pregnancy front, tomorrow I will be 39 weeks and may need to re-asses some things going forward. I have always worked right up until I went into labor with my other pregnancies, but this time I might have to give it a rest a bit sooner. However, factoring in a 50 minute drive, and that this will be delivery #4, and knowing my labor could move quickly, my doctor cautioned me that I could get into trouble if I risked driving alone that far. I figured the likelihood of a problem was low, but now with my lack of sleep, I’m beginning to re-think that idea. I have another appointment tomorrow, so based on that, we will see!
In baby accessory news, I ran across this fantastic new bag that I’m hinting for Jim to get his lovely wife.:) It’s a diaper bag/nursing pillow all in one. You can see the video and info. at Warm Milk.com . What a great idea!
In the meantime, we’ve just been plugging along. It looks like Gabriel may need glasses (no surprise since Jim and I both had bad vision before Lasik), but he’s actually excited about getting a pair and being able to see correctly. I am so grateful for his attitude! We just have to get his prescription and go from there. That’s about it for now. Oh! I almost forgot! I have re-posted my Twitter feed in the right margin of the blog to update when I eventually go into labor. It could be tomorrow, it could be 9 days from now, but when it happens, I’ll keep you posted! 🙂
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