To sum it up, I am grateful I had the chance to experience a natural childbirth and accomplish something I had always feared before. It turns out, it wasn’t that bad. In fact, it was beautiful.
I regret I didn’t do it with my other births, but in a way, I think it made me appreciate this experience more because I was able to compare both. I was able to figure out what worked for me (like my music selections) and what didn’t ( like the birth ball). Researching and preparing helped immensely.
Even when it came to my husband, this time was SO MUCH different, in a good way. Before, he would doze in the recliner, talk on the phone, or catch whatever was on television because he knew he didn’t have to play an especially active role after the epidural was administered. There was almost a kind of detachment until the moment of birth. In no way am I being derogatory or judging that, I was just pleasantly surprised by how much he was “in the mix” this time around. Best of all? I felt like he was really proud of me. Likewise, I was proud of him, and it enriched my feelings and sweetened the moment.
I would strongly encourage any other mommies who are considering this route to give it a try. You CAN do it! Thanks to my friend Jennifer who lent me her copy of the Birth Book, which I blogged about back in August, and is a fantastic resource for anyone considering NCB. Thanks for your e-mails and comments along the way too. I am in the company of amazing women whose stories I was privileged to hear about. Congrats to anyone who has given birth, it’s a miracle no matter what the experience may be, and after so many years I am truly humbled to finally share our story.
Anonymous says
Wow, amazing. You are amazing. God Bless you and your family. FYI you might want to update your profile…Lol.
tara says
Belated thanks for posting this Brooke! I am due TOMORROW (!) with our third child, and hoping for a third unmedicated birth. I am feeling a little anxious this time around, so your story was great to hear!