Happy Advent! I have found several neat tidbits I was hoping to share, but computer time has been pretty hard to come by lately. Things have been challenging as I struggle to calm my little guy who has been colicky. Despite gas drops, rocking, and swaddling, this is our “fussy Gussy” much of the day:
I felt like I was a pretty resilient parent by now, but colic is a whole new ball of wax. It’s heartbreaking when you have tried everything but still can’t calm your crying baby. My feeble attempts just aren’t cutting it, and I feel so helpless to know how to console him and relieve his discomfort. We have received many wonderful suggestions and I hope to write a post about some of them soon, the advice has been much appreciated.
That being said, I’ve had to come to terms with my limitations. Our home remains in frat house condition, my laundry room is a wreck, and any sort of Christmas “to-do” list has gone out the window in terms of dates and deadlines. I am okay with that though. The family is my priority, and one thing I have learned as a parent is “this to, shall pass.”
So, in the mode of keeping life simple, check out these time-saving (and fun) websites! 101 Days of Christmas. Great gift ideas and ways to make the holiday season quaint and creative. Lots of good inspiration!
I also picked up a copy of the Taste of Home “Gifts in a Jar” issue.
60 recipes with pull-out gift tags. It’s $5 and on newsstands until December 13th. You can also find some cute ideas here too.
Finally, I have to thank my wonderful mother-in-law for sending along this ingenious website. Garrett received a personalized message from Santa on Thanksgiving Day and I don’t think he’ll ever forget it. It not only wowed him…but Jim and me too! Garrett (who is 5) was the perfect age for this, and I wish I would’ve had a video camera to record his reaction. It was PRICELESS. I have to admit, I got a lump in my throat when I watched his innocent face and wide eyes after Santa said his name. Portable North Pole is a great example of how technology can be magical, beautiful and good.
Anonymous says
You may well have tried this already, but what worked for my cranky babe was as sleepy wrap. She loved it, and pretty much lived in it until about 6 months. Completely worth the $30 investment. All the best!
Laura and Brian says
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Santa video site! I just did one and its lovely! Since I have a 10yr old who desperately still wants to believe amidst all his friends telling him Santa isn't real, this is really cute. I'm sure he'll love it. We talk about St Nicholas and the fact he was a real person all the time but let's face it, an email from Santa himself directly to you ROCKS! Thanks so much for passing this along 🙂
Heidi says
I agree with Laura, thank you SO much for passing along the Santa video link. That is awesome and definitely a great way to help encourage older kids to keep believing.
Anonymous says
Have you tried a car ride? the crying for a colic baby should onlyblast a few hours in the evening mostly. If it is lasting longer than that have you been to the dr? It may be something else. Well I hope you hang in there and when all else fails my pediatric nursing instructor says to put them in their crib, thats where they are safe, close the door and walk away. Or better yet call out to Jesus. Best of luck!!
Mandersjoy says
Colic is so tough! The screaming can make you feel horrible- like you're not doing enough. But, please remember, you are a GREAT mommy, and God ordained you as the best mommy for this little guy. God bless!
Anonymous says
Our youngest went through this, too…he ended up being dx'd with GERD. What worked for him was white noise…vacuum cleaner, radio static, music, me singing…and holding him all day long! He also had to sleep upright for awhile…the pumpkin seat was his bed for a bit! We are praying for you, and what an incredible, blessed journey this past year has been for your family! God bless!
Anonymous says
Brooke, I love your blog! You are such an inspiration!
I have two kiddos, the first with an epidural and my little guy with no pain meds at all- what a wonderful experience! I am so happy to hear you look back on it with positive thoughts, as so many moms are afraid of the unknown, I cannot say enough wonderful things about my natural birth and could never do it another way the next time!
My youngest also had a rough start with crying nearly 24/7, this lasted 10 weeks or more- I was also nursing and doing many experiments with my own diet helped some, but in reality it just got better as he got bigger. It is so hard, and I only had one other child to care for, I am in awe that you can have five kiddos and give them all the love and attention they need, despite little Gus giving you a run for your money!
Many blessings to you!