With Thanksgiving just over a week away (yikes!) I thought it was fitting to write a quick post about food. Although, this is not quite of the turkey and dressing variety, but still scrumptious and good for you. I have been drooling over this recipe from the Smitten Kitchen:
(photo courtesy of Smitten Kitchen)
It’s Roasted Tomato Soup with Broiled Cheddar. De-lish! Look at that super melty cheesy, what a good combo! I have been looking for low (er) fat meals and trying to eat healthier now that I’m in the post baby body stage and still getting used to the extra pounds without a baby in there. 🙂 Let me tell you, this is not an easy season to slim down. Between the Halloween candy and the holiday goodies coming up, this will be a definite test of my willpower! I am calling it my “tortoise diet”..meaning slow and steady wins the race . 🙂 Since I’m breastfeeding I can’t go on any drastic crash diets (I would never do that anyway) but my focus is just taking it one meal at a time and planning to get my servings of fruits and veggies in and drink plenty of water each day. All common sense, but tough when cravings kick in.
I’ve also been recording the Dr. Oz show everyday and that’s provided good motivation. Thanks to Oz, I’m now a big Chia Seeds fan, and our entire family is sprinkling this stuff on anything that stands still.
It’s supposed to be a wonder seed, and I put it on my salads, yogurt, and even in my water. Here are some benefits of Chia. I also printed out the Weight Watchers vegetable soup recipe. It’s known as the program’s “secret weapon.” Word is, if you have a small serving of this garden vegetable soup before your meals, you will automatically eat 30% less, and be sure to get your veggie servings in. Gotta go now. Time to implement my other “stay healthy, slim down” tactic: running after the kids!:)
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