Like most women, shopping for clothes after having a baby is not at the top of my list. Currently, I’m in that in-between stage of not needing maternity pants, but not yet fitting into my pre-pregnancy clothing. For a while I could pull off elastic-waistband sweatpant chic, but now that I’m back at work, I have to at least make an attempt at business casual again. 🙂 So, a few weeks ago I set out in search of jeans I could wear to get me by. I decided on the Land’s End skinny jean because the reviews were so fantastic, and because they were on sale (yes)!
I will preface my next statement by saying that my expectations were low. I am still pretty “curvy” so I didn’t think skinny jeans would look all that flattering but… they. are. awesome! I just had to share because even in my pre-preggo sized days, shopping for jeans was not my favorite. Where has this pair been all my adult-post-baby life?!:) These jeans aren’t too tight, aren’t too saggy, or too “young” to pull off:
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