Big news to share with you. Karolina is walking! She’s been stepping out independently for about two weeks, and it’s been a celebration for our entire family. Grammie even bought her some new “big girl” shoes commemorate the event. Twinkle Toes!
Click here to see her in action. Although Karolina has been classified as developmentally delayed, I am constantly amazed by how quickly she seems to be catching up. Every new skill and milestone she achieves is a moment of triumph for our whole family, and I pray she always knows how loved and lifted up she is. We are so proud of our big girl!
Our other focus has been preparing to enter into the season of Lent. Last year we did a few crafts to ramp up to Ash Wednesday and this year I intend to repeat this one (If I can find the book with the prayers).
Other notable things I’ve found:
-“The Jelly Bean Prayer” posted by Lisa Hendey from A great way for the younger kids to live out Lent in an easy-to-interiorize way.
– Lenten crossword puzzle that can be a helpful introduction to some of the words we will be hearing (and what they mean) during Lent. Also from
-Printable stations of the cross (with a variety of ways to be used).
-Weekly activities from the Domestic-Church website.
-Lacy’s pretzel recipe from Catholic Icing.
I love this “Pretzel Prayer” that goes along with it:
Whew! Now if I could just get it all organized on Pinterest we’d have a good game plan. I’m afraid my Pinterest savvy is lacking, and I just haven’t had time to figure it out like I probably should. I’m still in the “sleepless-new-mom” stage so it may be a while yet.
In closing, I have to post this all my fellow Lent observers. This Weird Al-esque parody had my kids cracking up, and singing the chorus repeatedly. I have to admit despite my resistance, I’ve been singing along too. “There’s a little black spot on your head today…”
Hi Brooke! I found your adoption blog through the St. Mary's web site. I've been researching adoption since Christmas. My husband and I are considering adopting a child with special needs. We are Catholic, and our faith is very important to us. I homeschool our five kids, and was so excited to see your blog! It reminds me of the homeschool blogs I read all the time! I have been having a really hard time finding a "real" family to talk to about the adooption experience. Would you be willing to talk to me about your experience with St. Mary's Adoption Agency? We are looking at adopting from Bulgaria. Sorry if this is rambling. Thank you and God Bless! -Laura Lewis (the Google acct. shows the name Rafe because our 11 year old son started a blog last year. I don't know how to change it to mine!)
Thanks so much for your comment Laura. Congratulations on your adoption journey! I will check out your blog and try to find your contact info there. Otherwise, you can also reach me via my e-mail address: [email protected]. I hope that helps.