It is my pleasure to introduce you to a great friend, amazing mom and super sister in Christ, Jen. She will be stopping by “The Sink” periodically to share bits of fun and wisdom. Oh, and she also happens to be one amazing baker and cook! 🙂 She was kind enough to share a secret recipe (and secret weapon)! It’s her out-of this-world chocolate cookies recipe. First, here is a little bit about Jen:
Hi there! I am a homeschooling mother of four striving for holiness every day and hopefully learning from my many mistakes. My amazing husband of fifteen years is a theology professor and we both converted to Catholicism nearly four years ago. Since then, we have been relishing in the beauty of Christ and His Church and have made it our goal to translate that beauty to our children. When I have a free moment, I enjoy reading, cooking, baking, organizing, learning to sew, and anything crafty.
Family Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe:
Hahahaha, I finally have the recipe.
I use this cookie recipe often. No one ever turns down my cookies.