This morning I had the opportunity to interview Kathi Lipp, the author of “The Get Yourself Organized Project.” If ever there was a title that shouted my name..this is it. I know many people struggle with this also (and if you don’t, be proud of yourself)! After paging through the text and hearing Kathi’s motivating message I resolved to tackle my closet today. This probably wasn’t the most prudent decision given the fact it’s a weekday in the midst of homework, scouts and baseball but I couldn’t take it anymore. Over the weekend I had a chance to organize the kids rooms a bit, but mine has been sorely neglected. I’m still not finished but at least I have several bags to show as the fruits of my labor:
I had a hard time parting with some of the items, but I feel the need to purge, so off to Goodwill they go! I had to laugh at what was hidden in the corners and under shoes (plastic safety googles?) Oh, and these….
What in the world?! Even if I wanted to wear these, I don’t think Jim would allow it! Lol. Off they go. The exciting part of the story is I am hoping to give Kathi’s book away to help any of you who may need a boost too. Kathi was gracious enough to offer a copy, but I want to set up a little blog interview with her first. In the meantime, I ran across this “Spring Cleaning Prayer” we posted on the Mom Squad blog a few years ago. It fits. Create in me a clean heart Oh God. And a clean closet.
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