August, where did you go?! This is our last full week of summer break before the new school year begins. Early mornings, packed lunches, papers to be signed (Lord, please help me be organized)!! In some ways I am TOTALLY ready. Admittedly, summers are harder for me than the school year because of my 2am wakeup schedule, and not being able to nap when all the kiddos are home. Truth be told, I am utterly exhausted. But, I DO LOVE the time together as a family, and the release from the school-year schedule. As my friend Melissa said: “there is a season for everything.” I think I am ready for the season of the new school year.
In honor of the fresh school-start, I’ve compiled some goodies to help prepare.
The “Armor of God” Bible Lesson. This is a great one to condition a child’s heart and mind for common challenges. Like the devil’s “Bucket of Trouble,” where inside they can encounter a myriad of challenges (gossiping about someone, being tempted to cheat, etc. ) and how to be ready for those battles at all times.
Gear UP with a positive attitude!
Sweeten the first day with this cute lunchtime treat!
For teachers and/or homeschool parents, here are some very creative ideas to welcome the students into your classroom. Some of these made me giggle.
More than buying clothes, supplies and shoes though, I believe the most important back-to-school essential is prayer. Here is a printable Back-to-School prayer that can be used in your quiet time, or as a family.
Have a GREAT year!
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