Hello! I just recorded a vlog to update the latest on Karolina. This week (May 29), marks our TWO YEAR anniversary of our “Gotcha Day.” It doesn’t seem possible! I thought it would be a good time to sit down and share an update on our beautiful girl.
The Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism workshop that I referenced in the video can be found here. Hope you all had a blessed and safe Memorial Day. As the kids count down to the end of the school year (and teachers too!) I thought this was a timely prayer to specially sanctify these final days of school. God bless you and enjoy the sunshine..finally!
We praise and thank you for the gift of this school year.
It has been a time filled with grace and blessings,
With challenges and opportunities, joys and sorrows.
The weeks, the months, the seasons, the holidays and holy days,
The exams, vacations, breaks, and assemblies,
All have come forth from your hand.
Sometimes it has seemed difficult to understand and appreciate
Just what you have been up to in our school.
Let our efforts of this past year bear fruit.
Bring all of our plans to a joyful conclusion,
And bless us, according to your will,
Watch over us in the weeks of rest ahead,
And guide each day as you have done this past year.
Help us return to school with a new spirit and a new energy.
In age, wisdom, knowledge and grace
All the days of our lives.
Lovely video update! We have similar concerns (what is normal, what is toddler behavior) with our adopted 2.5 year old. It is hard not to worry.