That would be fail. Epic fail. As in me. As in our grand plans to homeschool. Did you ever have one of those days you wish you could crawl under a rock and not come out again until next year? If I could, I would! Here’s the deal. Based on my last post (complete with homeschool video tour, etc.) it was pretty evident that I was having some uneasy feelings about homeschooling. Not for my lack of interest, but mostly because of other factors: my busier workdays, Jim’s new schedule, the babies, and not receiving the materials yet. Mostly just fear of the unknown. Since we’ve been down this road before, you would think that we would just soldier on and weather the storms as they came, if they even came at all. That’s what we had prepared to do. Then, everything changed in the last 24 hours. My husband had a heart-to-heart with a good friend and someone from our church/school who really laid out some compelling points. Most of these we had considered before, but in the context of their conversation, for Jim it just seemed to make a difference today. So, based on my apprehension, his newly birthed business that he’s trying to get off the ground, and the fact that the kids’ school is a place we genuinely liked and want to support, we decided to bail out, pull the emergency chute, and change our minds. At the 11th hour. As in, school starts on Tuesday! So we just went from calmly waiting and being totally prepared to settle into homeschool life, to a chaotic day of gathering supplies and dusting off old uniforms.
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Oh Dear Friend,
This is NOT a fail. This was the much prayed-over decision of two parents who have been specially graced by God to care for the children He blessed you with. As any homeschooling mom will tell you – no one knows your kids like you do – what they need, what is the best learning environment for them, etc. If home isn't going to provide the situations that will best help them to thrive during the school day right now, then homeschooling this year would have been the real mistake. In this case, sticking with your latest plan could have been the more prideful decision on your part, and even to the detriment of the kids.
I hope they have a great first day of school tomorrow!
While it's important to teach kids that follow-through and determination are valuable traits, it is so much more important to teach them that God sometimes speaks to us in clear ways at unexpected or inconvenient times and with an unpleasant message. And we still have to do what He says. How much worse would it be to ignore that Voice and end up down a road you weren't supposed to go down, facing even more upheaval if you changed course. God bless you for listening and doing what He wants. Maybe homeschooling is in your future, just not this year. I will pray for you as you re-calibrate and will ask that the Blessed Mother will remind you of the peace of saying Yes to the Lord. Prayers!
Thank you Jayme! I so much admire your dedication to educating your children, and your support means a lot. I know you are right, and in some ways it is a relief, but mostly I have just been sad about it. Thank you for reminding me that it's not my feelings in this equation that are important, but what the Lord is calling our family to do. Who knows, maybe with this change Gus and Karolina will actually be potty trained ahead of schedule. THAT would be sweet redemption! Ha ha. J/k. Thanks for the feedback. I hope you are feeling well, Mama!
Dear Bearess.
True words, thank you. Thank you for your prayers as well. I love what you wrote the peace of saying "yes" to the Lord. Amen! Your comments are appreciated, and I enjoyed seeing the pics of your cute kiddos on your blog! God bless.
Brooke – This is not a fail at all! God's ways are not our ways and He has a plan in this! Be encouraged and keep your eyes focuses on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith! "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." ~ Romans 8:1
Your sis in Christ!