Thank you, thank you for your encouragement after my last post. You guys are awesome! I didn’t realize how uplifting all of the comments would be, and what a boost it would be to my heart. Thanks again. The boys are officially in school and so far, it’s going great. I know it’s early but I was worried they would be upset with the change. Thankfully, the natural excitement of a new year took hold and it’s been a happy start. We took the obligatory first day of school picture. Gabe -7th grade, Grant 4th grade, Garrett-2nd grade:
Long shorts are evidently in this year! 🙂 We also had a big milestone with Mr. Gus. He got his first big boy haircut! He got a trim for his first birthday last year, but this was an official, gel & front-spike haircut. Lookin’ good, complete with the Beibs poster in the background!
This week brings another huge transition with Karolina starting school. She’ll be riding the bus and attend an all-day school. She might as well be leaving for college with how emotional I have been about this! We got a late start in bonding, but now we have a special attachment, so I’m really struggling with letting go. The timing of school starting is also good and bad. She’s been having really challenging tantrums (beyond the scope of what would be considered typical) and the worst part is, I have no idea why. Although she’s nonverbal, I am still able to interpret almost all of her signs and body language. I know when she’s hungry, tired, thirsty, frustrated because she can’t turn on a toy, or reach something. These are totally unexplained though. I’m not sure if her clothing is bothering her due to her sensory issues, or if she’s hot and it disturbs her, or if she’s in pain. At first I thought maybe she was tired or not feeling well, but it’s been happening with more regularity and by the end of the day, she and I (and the rest of the family) are totally spent. So, this week will bring another mix of emotions as we send her to school. I hope they can help identify a trigger perhaps I’m not seeing (and I’ve made them aware), but I also hope it’s not too overwhelming for her and exacerbates the situation. I’m going to call the doctor, but more than anything, I’m praying for wisdom.
In closing, I wanted to share something that I thought was appropriate. This is an abbreviated version of the St. Patrick’s Breastplate prayer. A reminder that God covers all that is, was, and is to come. It’s a good one for every day, but I think especially for the times we need to be reminded that we do not walk alone.
arise today,
may the strength of God pilot me,
the power of God uphold me,
the wisdom of God guide me.
May the eye of God look before me,
the ear of God hear me,
the word of God speak for me.
the way of God lie before me,
the shield of God defend me,
the host of God save me.
Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ when I stand,
Christ in the heart of everyone who
thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who
speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.
Hi, Brooke! So happy to hear the boys are adjusting well to the last-minute decision about school. Just a quick note after reading your post about Karolina…my great-nephew is almost 4 years old and was recently diagnosed with high-functioning autism. My niece did a lot of research and discovered that dairy and gluten items can act like an opiate drug in certain children. She started him on a no-gluten and no-dairy diet (substituting things like coconut milk, etc.) and HE IS A DIFFERENT CHILD!! His temper tantrums have disappeared, he's now showing affection, his autistic-tendencies are now almost non-existent. PRAISE GOD! Just thought I'd send you this note in case any of it could help Karolina. She is so blessed to have you as a mom, but I'm guessing you will say that you're even more blessed to have her as a daughter. By the way, I went to one of your presentations at The Fest … and you really inspired me! Wish I would've heard you 20 years ago!! 🙂
Thanks be to God for such great news! I have heard a lot about the GFCF diet and that is an incredible story of success. What a blessing for your family to witness such an improvement in your great-nephew! Thank you for sharing that encouragement. Also, thanks for kind words about The Fest (workshop), I'm so grateful you enjoyed it (and were able to find it! Ha ha). God bless you.