Here we are, once again entering into the Sacred Triduum and the anticipation of another Easter. As has been customary over the last several years, I find myself not feeling ready. Lent has escaped through my fingers before I could grasp the heart and depth of all it holds. We had a surprise gift in the form of an antiquated old movie last weekend though, and it resulted in an encounter with Christ and the reminder of his mercy. It’s called “Barabbas” starring Anthony Quinn. If you can get past the…rough special effects and music, it’s really worthwhile.
As I type this, it’s Wednesday night, just hours before the observance of the Passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For other moms (and dads!) that are searching for ways to really punctuate that in their hearts and homes, I’ve compiled a few things that we’ve shared on The Fish over the years, as well as a few new things. I hope you are blessed by the love of The Lamb, held by his love, and sanctified by his sacrifice as you walk these final hours with him during Holy Week, and then rise to new life on Resurrection Sunday. Here are a few things I pray will aide in the journey.
Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)
Washing of the feet
Jesus answered, “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.”
John 12: 1-17
Many families (including ours) have begun this tradition in the home. As a reminder of humility, service, sacrifice and love. On a side note, it’s also a beautiful practice at some weddings as well!
When you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord’s death, until He comes again.
1 Corinthians 11:26
Catholics recognize this day as the Institution of the Eucharist. It is a beautiful opportunity to pray the Amima Christi (also my favorite personal prayer after receiving Holy Communion)
Family menu idea:
A traditional Holy Thursday Seder meal always includes unleavened bread.
Maria Von Trapp’s Unleavened Bread recipe.
Judas betrays Jesus. This poem, entitled “Two Mothers” shares the powerful reflection of Mary encountering the mother of Judas in heaven.
O Crux, ave spes unica! (Hail, O cross, our only hope!)
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