In 2007 I had a little idea with my son Grant to do an “Adios Dos” party (here). The goal was to celebrate his birthday with a “Goodbye TWO!” send-off party as we prepared to turn a proverbial new page. I can’t believe that little guy is now TEN!
Sweet Karolina missed out on her “Adios Dos” because it was the day my Dad died. So here we are, finally at our little caboose of the family. Today was Gus’ turn for Adios Dos!
Gus is still a little too young to latch on to the full concept that it’s the last day he’s two in relation to the phrase “Adios Dos,” but that didn’t stop the fun! We kept it simple but sweet. The two little crafts (pictured) were our only real tangible tie-ins. As you can see, they are pretty basic. For the hat, I traced his hand so I could always remember the size at this stage. Thankfully, the hat DID make it through the day unscathed (small victories, whoo!) and I plan to tuck it away in his little keepsake collection.
For his birthday, we got him a Strider bike and he LOVES it already! They are efficient, lightweight, all-terrain, and help kids safely build balance coordination at an early age. He noticed right away that they didn’t have pedals, but then zipped down the street like a champ. They are a little pricey, but after seeing the success of Augustine’s maiden voyage, we are all smiles here!
In celebration of the gift of children in general, I wanted to share with you a little reflection I recently read in the book “The Mother” by Cardinal Jozsef Mindzenty. I pray the beauty of the words touch your heart as they did mine. Talking about the birth of a baby:
“When the tiny human bud reaches maturity, the Lord of life has ordained that he/she leave it’s place beneath the mother’s heart, and go out into the world. Immense is the joy of the mother over her newborn babe, which is truly blood of her blood, bone of her bone. This infant belongs to her more than anything else in the wild world. It has made it’s first move into the world, but in her arms, followed by her eyes, her anxious breath upon him. The loveliness so often dreamed about and sighed for now lies before her eyes. ‘Deep rest and humble silent joy fill my soul. All my life I have sighed for this moment, and now this great unutterable happiness is mine. My life, my dreams, my fears have been embodied in this small fragile human being.’ She makes the first sign of the cross on the little forehead. This is the first motherly blessing, and many more to follow. The pain is gone, a new life has begun, and love has been victorious.”
Amen! God bless all mothers, and may the Lord bless and keep your little ones…and the ones who are not-so-little anymore!
Happy Birthday Augustine Lawrence! Adios Dos! xoxo
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