Happy Saint Valentine’s Day. I’ve been humming the hymn “Joyful, Joyful” (the version from Sister Act!) all day..
My son Grant was born on Valentine’s Day. This year he turns 13. A teenager.
Love came to me that day in all of it’s 8lb 11ounces of fresh new skin, fluffy brown hair, and blue eyes on the day he was born. We had lost a baby at 13 weeks (Luke) and his birth was the resurrection of new hope in my heart. New promise of eternity as another immortal soul was placed in our keeping, temporarily.
Grant was also my inspiration to start this little blog, 14 years ago! It was originally named “Brooke’s Baby Page” and designed to document my pregnancy when I worked at a radio station in Green Bay, WI. Those original posts are floating somewhere in the cyber cosmos and I doubt I’ll ever retrieve them, but I am certainly grateful that I kept writing. It has allowed me to capture little snapshots of time and emotions that are long forgotten.
Like this..
Celebrating Grant’s birthday at the assisted living facility where my Aunt Gladys and Aunt Nonie lived. They are no longer with us, so the picture comes with both roses and thorns. Little boys. Big hugs. Women we so love and miss. The ties of faith, love and family.
And this one…
Cheek to cheek with my little blonde boy.
And finally, our “Adios Dos” (Goodbye TWO!) The day before he turned three…
It could easily share a few more images (complete with Grant in a gold diaper dressed as Cupid)! 🙂 But since Grant is a man of 13, I also want to embrace the person he is today, and celebrate the present. As much as I love my son with a bond that is impossible to describe, it really is stupefying to think that God loves us so much more than this. More than all human imagining. He is loving us with a love for which there are no words!
As fluffy and sweet as this day is, I know it can also be a day of sorrow for many. The bitter and the sweet. So no matter what, I pray that you may feel this special bond between you and your Father today. Abba. Daddy, pouring His graces from his pierced side, into your heart.
“For I have redeemed you; I have called you by name. you are mine.”
-Isaiah 43:19
He has written His name on your heart, forever. That is the best kind of Valentine. An eternal love. He loves us best! I pray that you discover Him anew in your heart, today.
To fall in love with God is the greatest romance;
to seek him the greatest adventure;
to find him, the greatest human achievement.” -St. Augustine
God bless you today, friends. Happy Saint Valentine’s Day.
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