This SpongeBob game is the best! Grammie and Poppa gave it to the boys for Christmas and it has provided hours of family fun. Just flick the ants into S.B.’s pants and the person who gets all of their ants in first…wins! So simple that my 2 year old can easily understand and play in a competitive way. In fact he usually beats me! His little fingers are the perfect size for ant-flicking.:) If you are looking for a fun game for all ages, this gets our family’s seal of approval!
Also, I ran across a neat concept for avid readers. It’s a website called where you pay a small yearly fee, then order as many paperback books as you like and they send them to you direct. Classic and new releases, no due dates or late fees, and free shipping! Basically like a Netflix with books. We love our local library but this is definitely a cool concept!
Feeling pretty sore today. My neck in particular is really hurting. I’ve talked to people who have had lingering shoulder, and back injuries from an accident and I’m hoping mine is just the “day after” stiffness. My mom has a soft neck wrap with lavender inside that you heat up and that has been very helpful. Thanks for your e-mail and prayers, I really do appreciate it.:) God bless you.
Hey Brooke!
Sorry to hear about the accident!!.. But Praise be to God for his protection huh!!!!
If that pain persists, and you need to go to a Chiropractor.. I HIGHLY reccommend Dr Thies.. he is the Best!!… and he is only about 10 mins from you!
Hope you feel better soon!
Rest up!!!!!
Thanks Mitzy! I am feeling much better today (thank the Lord). I did want to look for a Chiropractor though just to get checked out so that you for the recommendation of Dr. Thies. Jim needs to go too. I wonder if doc can do a double adjustment!:)
You guys will Love him!!!.. he is on Cleveland ave.. I used to Work at a chiroprators office about 9 years ago in warren.. and that Doctor was the ONLY doctor I would let adjust me.. That is, until I met Dr thiess!!!
Let me know if you need his Number!
Glad you are feeling better!!